I have changed the template which you might notice or might not. It would be awesome if you would try some of the features (like commenting) and letting me know if it is working and/or if you like the way it looks. The main thing that is different is the little tabs that are on the header, we can put links up there to where we want, however they still have the generic links to whatever sites the designer thought were important. If you click on the 'Gecko and Fly' link you will be taken to the designer's blog and design site if you want to look at more of his work/redo your own blog.

Thanks in advance for your helpful comments.


UPDATE: I just took out the pictures of us three on the right because I think it makes it look better.


Education and Procreation

I just finished my first week. A week of yelling, laughing, spitting, falling, running, jumping, playing, teaching, resting, pleading, disciplining, (and a lot of other words ending in "-ing"). My new job is with Tulsa Public Schools. I work at an Elementary school that brings together, monday - friday, little people of varied ages, races, personalities, and dimensions. My job description is a Sign Language Interpreter for the Deaf. However, my real responsibility is to be a role model, communication facilitator, and teacher. No, i dont have a license to teach, but "illegal teaching" happens everyday, everyplace, and in everyway. I am a rebel of the educational system. I have to teach. I have to tell the little boy in the bathroom to wash his hands after he pees. I have to tell the kids who pushes the other one that his behavior is not proper and he needs to apologize. I have to show the student who is struggling with his math problem a new way of thinking about it. I am an educator, and proud of it.

Little people are funny (as in young people, not physically challenged people). Their abashed honesty is sometimes disconcerting, but attractive. Sometimes they pee their pants...that is funny. somtimes they laugh at things you shouldnt laugh at, again, adorable. They can be bratty and pains in the ass, but really, they are mostly innocent and good hearted. They havent had much time to be jaded by all the shit in the world. its nice.

I had a little convo with a fellow educator who works for TPS. We shared a mutual satisfaction that is recieved from being involved in a young one's education. it really is spectacular. You can look back and say "I taught them how to READ!" I mean reading is pretty important and to teach that is pretty dang cool. So, the long and short is, Ive got a kick ass job. Thanks Dad!

Oh...the procreation part of the title:
sometimes other kids make me NOT want to procreate. being involved in education has, so far, definitely made me WANT to procreate. i mean not here and now, at Shades of Brown, but somtime and somewhere and with someone. LOL. scary.

Give peace a Chance.

M. Josiah Fehlauer


I don't know if you have listened to the new Nick and Josh Podcast yet, but you should. I highly recommend you all skipping to the end where they do the tallskinny because you will hear a very special guest, me. You should listen to the podcast and then go to Nick and Josh's blogs and let them know how much they have changed your lives. All the links are on the right side of the page for their blogs and the podcast.



I came across this website the other day with this band giving away their music for free and I like what I've heard so far so I thought I would pass along the website for all to enjoy. You can download or listen to their album here. I think the song called Metropolitan (Watercolor) is the best so far, so maybe you should start there. You can also get a quick listen to them at their myspace before you commit to downloading their music and wasting your hard drive because we all know how annoying that is.



I'm still on the search of a healthier life although I haven't updated nearly enough. As far as exercise I don't do it enough, but I have gone to the gym a few times in the last week which is always an improvement.

Pt. 2 : Diet

Before Super Size Me came out I wasn't very conscience of what I ate. I got food because I thought it tasted good and I was hungry, those were my requirements. In fact I regret seeing that movie in some respect because it was easier for me to eat fast food because I didn't think about it. I haven't stopped eating fast food, but I eat less, and now I can't help but think about what the food (with its steroids and other chemicals) is doing to me.

I think it is important to eat food that is good for me. Organic foods, salads, etc. Is it also important that I eat food that is good for other people. Who benefits from the money that I am spending on this food? In the case of fast food, restaurants, grocery stores, I have no clue, probably a corporation somewhere. I still eat/shop at all of these places and I won't completely stop anytime soon, but I have started buying food from my state's coop (found here). I know that my money is going directly to local farmers because I buy food directly from them and it is delivered to me for prices that rival the prices at my grocery store. Not only that but 90% of the products sold are organic which is a huge plus because I am buying organic foods for the price of non-organic foods found at Wal-Mart. I think it is healthier to spend as much money as I can of food where I know I am helping support my local farmers, and benefit my health in the process.

I go through most of my life dehydrated, not extremely dehydrated, but dehydrated. If you would like to check for yourself if you are hydrated or not go pee-pee and if it is yellow then you are not hydrated like your body needs. I have started watching how much water I drink daily and try to drink at least 8 8oz glasses of water a day (which is 64oz). I think I feel better when I am hydrated, I feel like I sleep better. This is something I hope to practice for a long time to come.

My biggest goal as far as my diet is concerned is to cut out fast food altogether and only visit restaurants every once and awhile. I want to cook at home, and not only that but become a good cook. My biggest problem with this is time, it is hard to set aside the time to prepare food, cook food, eat food, then wash the dishes for the next meal. To be able to do this I need to learn how to schedule my time and use it wisely. I think if I am going to be healthier and slow down my life so I can spend more time doing quality things I need to be intentional with my time and that requires planning.



Ramblin' and Gamblin'

I won 70 dollars playing poker last night. I lost 8 dollars tonight. Im still up..I consider that successful. I didn't like losing 8 dollars... I like winning money. I dont like losing money. What should I do with the money I won.....? I should invest it...no, I should blow it...no, I should put it in my piggie bank..I dont know. What am i talking about? its late....



So, let's face it, diets are scams. There is no simple way of becomming skinny fast that doesn't pose serious health risk to your body or create a situation where you will gain back the weight and more the moment you stop the diet. I could lose a few pounds and if I decide to lose those pounds I want to do it in a way that is healthy and will last. Of course I have made attempts, or at least talked about making an attempt at this before, but I really want to do this. Why? Because I know if I don't stop the problem it will most likely get worse. Of course I wouldn't say I am on the slippery slope to morbid obesity, I have lost 20 pounds in the last three months working at QuikTrip, and most of my weight gain can be attributed to my first year of marriage, but I wanted to lose weight before I gained this weight. I am not only interested in losing weight either, I want to be healthy in all aspects of my life; marriage, friendships, intellect, etc. I don't know where this series is going or where it is going to stop, but hopefully I will have worked through some of these ideas on how to live a healthier life.

Pt 1 : Exercise

So we start with a no brainer. I know what you are thinking, "Exercise, duh." But, it has never been that easy for me. I like to exercise, but working my schedule around exercise has been the problem. There are few things that make me happier than a good game of tennis (although I suck), but finding someone to play with consistently has been a problem since high school let out and I am now at the point were a need practice to even be able to play a good game. I also like to walk and jog, but I can always find something to do that I like more than walking or jogging, like blogging, watching the T.V., or hanging out with friends. I guess my problem is not exercising, but getting the motivation to exercise.

Motivation seems to be a problem for me. I often have ideas that I get excited about and then lose all motivation. I have worked out on two of the last three days, but keeping that going after one week, two weeks, etc. will be the real test. There is not much room for discussion here, we all agree that exercise is important and will lead to a heathier life. I need to find a way to motivate myself and set aside time so that I will exercise.

Exercise will lead to a heathier life.

Bonus Discussion Question:

Do you think that it is our responsibility to be healthy? And who are we responsible to?


I want to recommend to you the podcast of a couple of friends who I have been listening to since podcast one. This is their tenth podcast and they have already interviewed the likes of Mix-Master Doug Pagitt, Tony 'Big Papa' Jones, and now the Godfather Brian McLaren. And if these facts don't make you want to watch it, maybe this endorsement by Dubya himself will convince you. The link is over there...to the right of this post.


I've worked at QT for almost 3 months now and have seen a few things, but the other morning I had one of the most exciting so far. About 5:45 a.m. a man stumbled into the door during one of my morning rushes with a glazed over look and drool running down his chin. I knew immediately that this was going to get interesting.

I kept helping my customers who were waiting in line because I was the only one in the store at the time and knew if there was a serious problem I could call security or just wait for another one of our managers who would arrive in 10-15 minutes. I watched him walk up to our food module (which would be the counter near the food) and begin to empty all the contents of his pockets onto the module. He counted out some money, proceeded to come up to the counter and tell me he wanted 4.57 in gas for his Harley, but he handed me 5.60. I told him I would put it all out there for him and then he asked if I had a cup so he could get a drink because he was very thirsty. I gave him a small cup and forgot about him for a couple of minutes because of all of my customers. In fact the reason I remembered he was still in my store was when the police came in and asked me what the deal was with the guy who keeps drinking and drinking. I told them that the guy was wasted and they went to go talk to him.

The policemen then began to ask him questions and give him all these test right in the store, which caused all sorts of comments and questions from my customers. They finally decide to take him outside, and I knew full well he was going to be arrested for drunk driving, but there was an added bonus to make it even more exciting, one of the policemen came in and told me that the bike he was riding was a stolen bike. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins knowing that I was part of a big crime bust and that I might even get a reward...okay no reward and I didn't really do anything, but it did make the day a little bit more enjoyable.

The End...til next time...

P.S. I just read this post and realized how horrible my writing is in this particular post, but I don't care.


When The President Talks to God

"When The President Talks To God"

When the president talks to God
Are the conversations brief or long?
Does he ask to rape our women’s' rights
And send poor farm kids off to die?
Does God suggest an oil hike
When the president talks to God?

When the president talks to God
Are the consonants all hard or soft?
Is he resolute all down the line?
Is every issue black or white?
Does what God say ever change his mind
When the president talks to God?

When the president talks to God
Does he fake that drawl or merely nod?
Agree which convicts should be killed?
Where prisons should be built and filled?
Which voter fraud must be concealed
When the president talks to God?

When the president talks to God
I wonder which one plays the better cop
We should find some jobs. the ghetto's broke
No, they're lazy, George, I say we don't
Just give 'em more liquor stores and dirty coke
That's what God recommends

When the president talks to God
Do they drink near beer and go play golf
While they pick which countries to invade
Which Muslim souls still can be saved?
I guess god just calls a spade a spade
When the president talks to God

When the president talks to God
Does he ever think that maybe he's not?
That that voice is just inside his head
When he kneels next to the presidential bed
Does he ever smell his own bullshit
When the president talks to God?

I doubt it

I doubt it

This song was written and performed by Bright Eyes' Conor Oberst. Obvioulsy a political message. I dont necessarily want this post to be political in nature, im not much of a politician myself and get pretty lost in politcal jargon. What did strike me about this song is the package Conor chose to wrap his political message; the well-known fact that George W. is a prayin' man. I do thank God for a president who prays. This song brings up a good point though. Agenda driven prayer. I know i have been guilty on many occasions of "praying" to feel more justified in whatever answer I already have. Prayer can be nothing more than an inscrutible defense of faulty reasoning....if one makes it that. Communion with God is tangible and very real, and does give us insight, guidance, and truth. But is it possible to "pray" and not really seek any of those things....or to even attempt real communication. Prayer can be dishonest, insincere, and littered with hidden agendas and selfish motivations. Obviously, because of Oberst's political opinions of George W. Bush, he sees his prayers as inneffective, and only to serve his personal, political gain. Pretty big judgement. Technically possible...but probable?


I would like to make a short post letting you all in on a band I've been listening to lately and a t.v. show I've been watching lately. So here I go.

Margot & The Nuclear So and Sos

The band first. I don't know if you have heard of these guys lately, I got their CD "The Dust of Retreat" a couple of months ago and I liked it alot, but didn't listen to it very often until the last couple of weeks and I am hooked. You should definetely click on their name above which will send you to their myspace and have a listen for yourself.


And now to the show. I downloaded a free pilot of a show on iTunes a week or two ago, watched it, and liked it. The premise of the show is about a kid who grew up with a detective father who made his son learn how to be a detective, now he is grown up and he gets in trouble for something he didn't do and one thing leads to another and he has to pretend to be a psychic and solves all these crimes with the training his father gave him, etc. It is one of the worst ideas for a show, but for some reason I think it works. Please hear me, it is no Arrested Development, not even close, but it is funny and I look forward to the next episode (which will be on USA on Fridays 10/9c).

Please do yourself a frickin' favor and check these out.



Honesty. Disagreement. Unity.

First, an honest confession. One of my blogmates, if you will, Chris Mcleod, recently blogged about Anathallo and music in general. He is a brilliant writer, and I hope you ALL have already read his entry, but I must say....i have not. But, really, I will link directly to "view blog" after entering this blog and read it, love it, and soak in the fresh aroma.

I co-lead a "life group" (a small group of people that meet and talk about life. God. Relationships. etc.) for a community im involved with that meets on Saturday nights. Its a good community and a good life group. We JUST got done meeting. It was GREAT! People were disagreeing left and right! One sais that there is no segregation between spiritual and natural, another sais there is, another sais that spiritual disciplines are essential...others say that they are only vaguely important. Anyway, the disagreement was positive. I appreciate people that engage themselves intellectually in their spirituality. I appreciate people that appreciate differing opinions and approaches to spirituality.

The book that spurred all of our discussion is one by the name of "Messy Spirituality," by Michael Yaconelli. Great book. His premise is that we are all "messy" at least to some extent. Spirituality may just look different than what the church has spoon fed us for most of the last century. Spiritual disciplines can be good, sure. They can be great guides to thinking and life application. I want my spirituality to first of all be honest. If I am able to be honest about my own messininess, only then can I be honest with God about my relationship with him. Who would want to be in a relationship with someone who only adheres to a prescribed method of living because it is the "right" and "christian" thing to do. I treat anyone in my life a certain way because I feel obligated to do so. God included. I wont read my Bible, Pray, etc. out of obligation. I will read my Bible and Pray, sure, but it will be because I long so much to know my savior and creator. Bottom line, I will screw shit up. I do. But, I do believe that God knows my heart. I may not know how to love God like I should, or even love people like I should, but damnit Ill try. hard.

Well, if you read this entire blog,kudos. it was very scattered, but just what was on my mind at the end of my life group meeting. If you care or if anything i said spurrs a response in you....comment. let me know what you think......

Give peace a chance.



Welcome to a new experiement in blogging for me (Tank), and some of the first blogging for a couple of my friends (Josiah and Chris). I have read a blog for a little while now called liquidthinking which I don't know much about how it started, but I liked the idea of a group of people blogging. So here finally is my, or I should say our, endeavor into group blogging. We might add more people as we go, but who knows for sure. We would love this to be a place of great coversation and friendships. If you want to be one of our friends just leave a comment saying something about wanting to be our friend and I will gladly put you on our friend list and maybe we can dialogue on each other blogs and what-not. I am excited about blogging with my two fellow men because I think they have better things to say and better ways to say them than I could ever hope to achieve and hopefully together we can wrestle through some things. So, without further ado I give you 'atypical spirituality'.

P.S. I'm really crappy at introductions, but I'm really good at not introductions.
