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Honesty. Disagreement. Unity.

First, an honest confession. One of my blogmates, if you will, Chris Mcleod, recently blogged about Anathallo and music in general. He is a brilliant writer, and I hope you ALL have already read his entry, but I must say....i have not. But, really, I will link directly to "view blog" after entering this blog and read it, love it, and soak in the fresh aroma.

I co-lead a "life group" (a small group of people that meet and talk about life. God. Relationships. etc.) for a community im involved with that meets on Saturday nights. Its a good community and a good life group. We JUST got done meeting. It was GREAT! People were disagreeing left and right! One sais that there is no segregation between spiritual and natural, another sais there is, another sais that spiritual disciplines are essential...others say that they are only vaguely important. Anyway, the disagreement was positive. I appreciate people that engage themselves intellectually in their spirituality. I appreciate people that appreciate differing opinions and approaches to spirituality.

The book that spurred all of our discussion is one by the name of "Messy Spirituality," by Michael Yaconelli. Great book. His premise is that we are all "messy" at least to some extent. Spirituality may just look different than what the church has spoon fed us for most of the last century. Spiritual disciplines can be good, sure. They can be great guides to thinking and life application. I want my spirituality to first of all be honest. If I am able to be honest about my own messininess, only then can I be honest with God about my relationship with him. Who would want to be in a relationship with someone who only adheres to a prescribed method of living because it is the "right" and "christian" thing to do. I treat anyone in my life a certain way because I feel obligated to do so. God included. I wont read my Bible, Pray, etc. out of obligation. I will read my Bible and Pray, sure, but it will be because I long so much to know my savior and creator. Bottom line, I will screw shit up. I do. But, I do believe that God knows my heart. I may not know how to love God like I should, or even love people like I should, but damnit Ill try. hard.

Well, if you read this entire blog,kudos. it was very scattered, but just what was on my mind at the end of my life group meeting. If you care or if anything i said spurrs a response in you....comment. let me know what you think......

Give peace a chance.



8 Responses to “Honesty. Disagreement. Unity.”

  1. # Blogger Brad

    Wow Josiah. Great post. I LOVE Yaconelli. I was going through one of the toughest periods of my life a few years ago. One of the few things that kept me together was reading Yaconelli and Brennan Manning (Ruthless Trust and The Ragamuffin Gospel). It was right during that period that Yaconelli was killed; broke my heart.

    You're right about spiritual disciplines. They can't be lifeless spiritual push-ups. They've got to be in loving response to His grace. Sometimes my "disciplines" simply consist of trying to decipher, "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so." Sometimes those times produce more relationship with Him than the times where I'm just reading to check it off of a to-do list.



  2. # Blogger Unknown

    I am actually rereading that book. I read it first around September of '04. I remember it being pretty good.  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I totally agree with you. I think we should all be in a place where we can be honest. Sad thing, for me at least, is that the only place I feel like I can be really honest with what I think and what I dont think about God, is at home with my husband, and even then sometimes I feel terrible or guilty for doubting really the existance of God. Can all the people who are honest and talk about these things move to my house? birmingham is really a cool place.  

  4. # Blogger Unknown

    can i get directions....?

    doubting is not necessarily "praiseworthy," but is natural and healthy.  

  5. # Blogger m@

    mosiah....you're totally wrong about disagreement. disagreement is wrong. i can't believe you'd condone something like that. i would never disagree with you caus you're my friend. very disappointed.

    sorry, it's friday afternoon, my sarcasm filter's off......


  6. # Blogger Tank

    no sarcasm, NO SARCASM!...ok sarcasm  

  7. # Blogger Preston Sharpe

    Good stuff. Any morality, kindness, goodness, spritual discipline stuff, and anything else that brings about the good is only done as a response to the mercy of God. Anything FORCED is not really good. It is our response to who he is and the fact that we are made in His image that we do anything good. Only when we are honest with our messy selves can we recognize our need for help.  

  8. # Blogger Unknown

    Preston. good word. you sound pretty smart...have you ever considered pastoring a "postmodern-emergent-esque" saturday night service for a local church? you should....  

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